First Steps
Reese took her first steps and I couldn’t be more excited for her.
She was super happy too. She has been zooming around lately in her walker but finally got up enough courage to take her steps on her own.
You can see from the photos above that we were having the best time watching her wobbly walking. She is still getting the hang of it but getting better every single day.
Here’s what she’s been up to lately.
Started ISR- ISR is an infant swimming rescue program that teaches babies how to save themselves from drowning. We have a pool and go to the lake often so water safety is so important for me. I want her to learn to swim as quickly as possible.

Talking- this little nugget has been jabbering non-stop lately. She says Mama, Daddy, Hot Dog (From Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) Minnie, Uh Oh, Bubba and several other words. She loves to chit chat and talk with Jackson and Rylee.

Super Bowl Sunday
She also LOVES eating real food now. She is so over the baby food and pouches these days and prefers fresh blueberries, grapes, peas and carrots. She’s all about that healthy food too. Everyone is just obsessed with her including Jackson and Rylee and we are so happy that she’s our little miracle baby.